Plaque Models
Plaque Models
Human Anatomy
Set of 11
(1) Skeleton
(2) Circulatory system
(3) Heart
(4) Nervous system
(5) Section of Brain
(6) Muscle
(7) Digestive system
(8) Respiratory system
(9) Ear
(10) Eye
(11) KidneysAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 35 x 50 cm sheets only in box.
D) 35 x 50 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
E) 35 x 50 cm complete with hard backing aluminium angle frame & hanging hooks.
F) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
G) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13002 -
Plaque Models
Human Reproductive Organs
Set of 8
(1) Male genital organs (front view)
(2) Male genital organs (sagittal view)
(3) How semen is formed
(4) First week of egg development and implantation
(5) Fertilization (cross section diagram of an ovary)
(6) Eight months old fetus
(7) Various stages of embryonic development
(8) Female genital organs (sagittal view)Available in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 35 x 50 cm sheets only in box.
D) 35 x 50 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
E) 35 x 50 cm complete with hard backing aluminium angle frame & hanging hooks.
F) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
G) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13004 -
Plaque Models
Botany Series I
Set of 8
(1) Root, stem and bud (A)
(2) Root, stem and bud (B)
(3) Leaves and their transformation
(4) Photosynthesis
(5) Flower and inflorescence (A)
(6) Flower and inflorescence (B)
(7) Fruit and seeds (A)
(8) Fruit and seeds (B)Available in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13006 -
Plaque Models
Botany Series II
Set of 8
(1) Typical plant cell
(2) Plant Mitosis
(3) Meiosis
(4) D.N.A.
(5) R.N.A.
(6) Bacteria
(7) Spirogyra
(8) FunariaAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13008 -
Plaque Models
Botany Series III
Set of 8
(1) Fertilization
(2) T.S.Dicot leaf
(3) T.S.Monocot leaf
(4) T.S.Dicot root
(5) T.S.Monocot root
(6) T.S.Monocot stem
(7) Types of placentationAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13010 -
Plaque Models
Botany Series IV
Set of 8
(1) Plant kingdom
(2) Germination of sunflower and maize
(3) Germination of bean
(4) Yeast and pea
(5) Rhizopus and Mucor
(6) Fern
(7) Insectivorous plants
(8) MalvaceaeAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13012 -
Plaque Models
Zoology Series I
Set of 8
(1) Typical animal cell
(2) Animal mitosis
(3) Hydra
(4) Paramecium
(5) Ameoba proteus
(6) Hookworm
(7) Tapeworm
(8) EarthwormAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13021 -
Plaque Models
Zoology Series II
Set of 8
(1) Euglena
(2) Animal kingdom
(3) L.H. of frog(development)
(4) L.H. of frog(metamorphosis)
(5) L.H. of mosquito
(6) Epithelial & connective tissues
(7) Simple and complex tissues
(8) Rabbit dissection and skeletonAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13023 -
Plaque Models
Zoology Series III Frog
Set of 8
(1) Frog anatomy and skeleton
(2) Frog digestive system
(3) Frog circulatory system
(4) Frog respiratory system
(5) Frog nervous system
(6) Frog reproductive system, male
(7) Frog reproductive system, female
(8) Frog heartAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.
B13025 -
Plaque Models
Zoology Series IV Rat
Set of 8
(1) Rat anatomy,dissection showing internal organs (female)
(2) Rat digestive system
(3) Rat circulatory system
(4) Rat respiratory system
(5) Rat excretory system
(6) Rat reproductive system (male)
(7) Rat reproductive system (female)
(8) Rat brain & heartAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well
B13027 -
Plaque Models
Zoology Series V
Set of 8
(1) Life History of Honey Bee
(2) Life History of Silkworm
(3) Life History of House Fly
(4) Malarial Parasite (Plasmodium)
(5) Cockroach, circulatory & nervous systems
(6) Cockroach, external features
(7) Cockroach, digestive & respiratory systems
(8) Earthworm, circulatory & excretory systemsAvailable in following sizes:-
A) 25 x 35 cm sheets only in box.
B) 25 x 35 cm in plastic jacket with hanging hooks.
C) 50 x 70 cm sheets only in box.
D) 50 x 70 cm complete with hard backing aluminium frame and hanging hooks.While size 25 x 35 cm is available in sets only, other sizes are available singly as well.