Biology & Earth Science

Biology is the scientific study of living organisms and their vital process such as their origins, morphology, anatomy, physiology, distribution, and behavior. In Biology lab we study about the different aspects of biology in nature. It is subdivided into separate branches such as zoology, botany, physiology, microbiology which can be studied through various representations in the labs. These representations can be defined as biological models, charts, microscope-prepared slides, plastic-embedded specimens, dissecting instruments, plant physiology apparatus and microbiology equipment etc.

In Earth Science, we have some of the exclusive models like Solar System Model, Celestial Globe, and Water Table Model available with us. Some of the other products are Rocks Collection Set, Plaque Models, Chisels, Soil Augers, Geological Hammer and Charts are also available. We are also capable of fulfilling customized requirements.

Baths & Staining

Bio-Viewer & Sets

Dissecting Instruments

Insect Nets

Mammal Cages

Micro Biology

Micro Slides

Microscopes Prepared Slides

Overhead Projectors

Plant Physiology

Plastic Embedded Specimens

Slide Cabinet

Slide Projectors

Slide Rack & Box

Earth Science