Scientific Equipment,
Laboratory Glassware &

laboratory glassware at a single destination
glssware for your laboratory at competitive

laboratory plasticware all in one place
for your lab at affordable prices.

laboratories for our physicists

chemistry lab requirements

with our Equipment

of Biology and Earth Science Lab

the power of experience through
hands on learning and richness of
digital content and simulations.

Shiv Dial Sud & Sons, brand name Supertek, founded in 1943 is widely recognized as a leading and trusted manufacturer of Educational Teaching Aids, Laboratory Glassware and Essentials. We are an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Systems Certified Organization. With almost eight decades of experience, we are the leading exporter from India, exporting our quality products to more than 80 countries worldwide.
Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are located in Ambala, India. It consists of 5 Production Units well equipped with high-precision machinery for mass production of standard parts, electronic and electrical divisions, glassware units, electroplating and powder coating lines, as well as facilities for plastic molding and metal casting is available.
Graduated Pipette Mohr, Class B
Measuring Cylinder with Round Glass Base, Class A
Flask Volumetric, Amber Glass With PP Super Stopper™, Class A
* Hexagonal PP stopper
** Trapezoidal shape
Volumetric Pipette with One Mark Bulb Type, Class A
Burette with Straight Bore PTFE Key Stopcock, Class A
Digital Stroboscope
Stroboscopic flashes are triggered by either the internal oscillator or by external pulses which may be connected to the socket mounted on the rear panel of the instrument. Example of the many applications of this unit are to be found in motion analyism multi exposures photography, examination of moving parts and measurement of rotational speed.
Input Volts: 220V AC, 50 Hz.
Max. Flash Rate: 9999 Flashes per minute.
Resolution: 1.
Display: 7 Segment LED (4 Digit).
Electronic Frequency Controller
Electronic Frequency Controller for use with ripple tank, to operate both the vibrator and a lamp for illumination. A digital display with two control knobs one for Frequency and another for amplitude are provided. Output signal is square wave from 1-100 Hz with increment set of 1Hz.
Velocity of Sound Apparatus
This dual purpose apparatus provides a compact facility for the measurement of the velocity of sound in air and also for the analysis of standing waves. It requires an audio signal generator and a dual beam oscilloscope (not included). A phase measurement between the speaker and microphone signals is made on an oscilloscope. The distance required to traverse through a 360° phase shift is noted. Knowing the frequency and distance, the speed of sound is computed. With the reflector in place a standing wave can be generated. Nodes and antinodes can easily be seen from the amplitude variations on the CRO.
Vibration Generator
To produce mechanical vibrations when used with a signal generator. The input is fed to a coil, which is mounted within the field of a cylindrical permanent magnet. The unit is mounted on a strong base and is enclosed in a plastic case. The coil and magnet assembly are protected from the entry of foreign particles. A threaded extension of the armature allows attachment of the item to be vibrated, e.g., plates for chladni’s figure experiments. A specially designed coil system enables the unit to be operated at its maximum rating for a prolonged period without any damage due to overheating. Electrical input via a pair of 4mm shielded sockets and oscillating mechanical output is available through a shaft at the top. A locking arrangement provides safety to the apparatus during storage or transportation by blocking the motion of shaft. The unit is electrically secured by means of a fuse. Avoid long periods of sustained rapid vibration and keep dry as moisture will damage the mechanism.
Kinetic Theory Model
The Kinetic Theory Model apparatus is used along with the vibration generator to demonstrate the movement of molecules in a gas. An approximate relationship between the floating height, i.e., volume of the gas and weight of the disc, i.e., pressure of the gas can be observed. The platform has a rubber surface and small stainless steel balls are loaded into the tube. With the change in the speed of vibration generator, the heating of the gas stimulates resulting change in the agitation of the balls inside the tube. It comprises theory of piston, steel balls and a base or placing on an overhead projector.
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