Educational Products

Educational Products

If you’re interested in discovering more about our range of standard educational products, we’d be delighted to provide you with further details. Our range of educational products is designed to support learning and development across a wide range of subjects, including science, technology, engineering fields.

Our product range includes Lab Equipment for Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Earth Science, D.I.Y. Kits, Science Kits, Higher Science Equipment, Microscopes, Xperimentor Theme Kits, Models and Charts that are ideal for use in educational settings such as schools, colleges, and universities. We offer a variety of products that cater to different age groups, levels of education, and subject areas.

Our educational products are designed to be informative, engaging, and user-friendly, with a focus on providing hands-on learning experiences that help students gain practical skills and knowledge. Our products are made using high-quality materials to ensure durability and longevity, so they can withstand frequent use in educational laboratories.

If you would like to learn more about our standard educational products, please get in touch with us, and we will be happy to provide you with additional information and answer any questions you may have.

Physics Equipment

Physics is the science that studies matter, its behavior and motion in space and time, and the associated units of force and energy. 

Chemistry Equipment

Chemistry is a subfield of the natural sciences that deals with the study of substances and the matter that make them up.

Biology & Earth Science

Biology is the scientific study of living organisms and their vital process such as their origins, morphology, anatomy, physiology, distribution, and behavior.

Xperimentor Theme Kits

Xperimentor Theme Kit is an ecosystem for Science Learning. It is a blended learning solution, providing materials, methods, and means in the form of Theme Kits and Inquiry-Based Content to..


A microscope is an instrument used to observe small objects that cannot be seen by naked eyes. The image of an object is magnified by the lens of microscope.