

In Stock


Cat. No.DescriptionQuantity 
B15351Marselia rhizome c.s.
B15352Marselia petiole c.s.
B15353Marselia sporophyte t.l.s
B15354Marselia sporophyte h.t.s
B15355Marselia sporophyte v.l.s
B15356Ophioglossum leaf c.s.
B15357Ophioglossum rhizome t.s.
B15358Ophioglossum root t.s.
B15359Ophioglossum spike t.s.
B15360Ophioglossum spike l.s.
B15361Psilotum stem t.s.
B15362Psilotum rhizome t.s.
B15363Psilotum leaf t.s
B15364Psilotum synangia t.s.
B15365Selaginella root t.s.
B15366Selaginella rhizophore t.s.
B15367Selaginella leaf t.s.
B15368Selaginella stem t.s.
B15369Selaginella spike v.s.
B15370Selaginella spike cleared w.m.
B15371Selaginella microsporongia w.m
B15372Osmunda spike t.s.
B15301Adiantum rhizome t.s
B15302Adiantum root t.s
B15303Adiantum petiole t.s.
B15304Adiantum sporophyte t.s.
B15305Adiantum sorus t.s
B15306Dryopteris root t.s.
B15307Dryopteris rhizome t.s.
B15308Dryopteris petiole t.s
B15309Dryopteris rachis t.s.
B15310Dryopteris sporophyll v.s.
B15311Dryopteris sporangia w.m
B15312Pteris root t.s
B15313Pteris rhizome t.s.
B15314Pteris rachis t.s
B15315Pteris sporangia t.s.
B15316Pteris sporangia w.m.
B15317Fern leaflet with sporangia t.s.
B15318Fern rachis t.s.
B15319Fern stolon t.s.
B15320Fern spores teased w.m.
B15321Fern prothallus antheridia w.m.
B15322Fern prothallus archegonia w.m.
B15323Fern prothallus with archegonia and antheridia w.m.
B15324Fern prothallus developing embryo w.m.
B15325Fern anthe ridia v.s.
B15326Fern archegonia v.s.
B15327Fern prothallus with sporophyte w.m.
B15328Equisetum root t.s.
B15329Equisetum rhizome t.s.
B15330Equisetum stem t.s.
B15331Equisetum young cone t.s.
B15332Equisetum young cone l.s
B15333Equisetum mature cone t.s.
B15334Equisetum mature cone l.s.
B15335Equisetum prothallus
B15336Isoetes rhizome t.s.
B15337Isoetes microsporophyll c.s.
B15338Isoetes megasporophyll c.s.
B15339Isoetes leaf t.s.
B15340Isoetes root t.s.
B15341Lycopodium wightanum cone l.s.
B15342Lycopodium wightanum cone t.s.
B15343Lycopodium wightanum stem t.s.
B15344Lycopodium apex l.s.
B15345Lycopodium cernuum stem t.s.
B15346Lycopodium phelgmaria stem t.s.
B15347Lycopodium leaf t.s.
B15348Lycopodium root t.s.
B15349Marselia leaf t.s.
B15350Marselia root c.s.