Pin Diode Characteristics Experiment


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  • To study the response of PIN diode, in the following conditions:
  • Photocurrent (Iph) vs Applied voltage at constant irradiance (Φ) under Reverse biased condition of the PIN diode.
  • Current (I) vs Voltage (V) under forward bias condition of the PIN diode.


The PN-Junction diodes, though versatile, have a few limitations regarding the amount of current they could handle before breakdown and also have low switching frequency, low power handling capacity, and low quantum efficiency. To overcome all these issues PIN diode was designed. PIN diodes are also extensively used as photodiodes in PIN photodiode configuration and are very important in optical fiber communication.


  • Precise Optical Alignment: The optical alignment of the components is attained by the optical bench, the set-up time is faster and experimentation is easy.
  • Fine and Easy Light Intensity Adjustment: Light intensity adjustment is done via the use of two polarizers. This helps in easier and fine light intensity adjustments.
  • Simple and Easy Connections: The color-coded terminals on the various components aid in the ease of connections thus reducing the setup time.


  • OB2 Optical Bench Set 0.4m 1
  • HA001 Light Source Holder 1
  • HA004 Polarizer Holder 1
  • HA006 Analyzer Holder 1
  • HA021 Photodiode Module Holder 1
  • PH64505 Multimeter 1
  • PH61022D/2 Power Supply for Light Source 2

Complete Equipment Set with Instruction Manual from catalogue.


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