Alage & Fungi


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All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.

1) Chlamydomonas, General structure & Life History
2) Ulothrix general structure and L.H.
3) Oedogonium Life Cycle
4) Spirogyra structure & conjugation
5) Chara structure & L.H.
6) Volvox structure & L.H.
7) Oscilatoria structure & L.H.
8) Nostoc structure & L.H.
9) Batrachospermum structure & L.H.
10) Polysiphonia structure & L.H.
11) Ectocarpus structure & L.H.
12) Dictyota structure & L.H.
13) Fucus structure & L.H.
14) Rhizopus structure & L.H.
15) Mucor structure & L.H.
16) Yeast
17) Bacteria – I showing structure and forms
18) Bacteria – II showing reproduction
19) Virus types, structure & L.H.
20) Penicillium
21) Albugo(Cystopus) structure & reproduction
22) Phytophthora structure & L.H.
23) Puccinia graminis structure & L.H.
24) Agricus structure & life history


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