Waves & Sound
Waves & Sound
Melde’s Apparatus
Improved type, to show effects of vibrations in a stretched cord and to investigate relation between frequency, tension and density. Comprising an adjustable length of thin steel rod mounted in a pair of socket terminals near one end and passing through an A.C. energising coil and a permanent magnet. The other end of the wire has a small boss with clamping screw for attaching to cord. Two adjustable contacts are also fixed on either side of the armature connected to terminal sockets to provide a quick changeover switch in capacitor charge/discharge experiments etc.
PH36148 -
Waves & Sound
Velocity of Sound Apparatus
This dual purpose apparatus provides a compact facility for the measurement of the velocity of sound in air and also for the analysis of standing waves. It requires an audio signal generator and a dual beam oscilloscope (not included). A phase measurement between the speaker and microphone signals is made on an oscilloscope. The distance required to traverse through a 360° phase shift is noted. Knowing the frequency and distance, the speed of sound is computed. With the reflector in place a standing wave can be generated. Nodes and antinodes can easily be seen from the amplitude variations on the CRO.
PH36165 -
Waves & Sound
Tuning Fork Wave Recorder
Apparatus to show the waves of a tuning fork, change of waves with the frequency of tuning fork. Also demonstrates characteristics of waves and sound visually. It consists of three different type of tuning forks, marker and a paper role. Mounted on wooden stand. With instructions.
PH36168 -
Waves & Sound
Resonance Apparatus, Simple Form
For measuring the resonant length of an air column driven by a tuning fork. Comprises a brass tube 292 x 25.4 mm diameter fixed to a base with a sliding inner tube 305 mm long which allows the length of the air column to be varied from 350 to 530 mm.
PH36178 -
Waves & Sound
Resonance Apparatus
Investigate the length, frequency and velocity of sound waves by studying the resonance of air columns. In the experiment, described below, you will use the wave equation (v = λf) to measure the speed (v) of sound; here (f) is the frequency and (λ) is the wavelength. A vibrating tuning fork, held over the top of the graduated water cylinder, will begin to resonate with the air column above the water in the cylinder. After taking the measurements of the air column and the tuning fork, the speed of sound can be calculated.
PH36178P -
Waves & Sound
Resonance Apparatus
A resonance apparatus is used to locate the resonance positions in air columns. From these resonance positions, it is possible to calculate the speed of sound using the water level and the frequency of the tuning fork used. Apparatus consists of a chrome plated brass resonance tube 100 cm long, a reservoir 250 ml, a meter scale mounted on a stand and rubber tubing.
PH36187 -
Waves & Sound
Tooth Tunes Kit
A Hands-on kit that teaches the principles of sound induction/conduction. When students bite on the wooden rod, the frequencies of the attached audio signal, from a radio, is then transmitted from their teeth to their ears. Includes activity material for five students and an instruction manual.
PH36197 -
Waves & Sound
Vibration Generator
To produce mechanical vibrations when used with a signal generator. The input is fed to a coil, which is mounted within the field of a cylindrical permanent magnet. The unit is mounted on a strong base and is enclosed in a plastic case. The coil and magnet assembly are protected from the entry of foreign particles. A threaded extension of the armature allows attachment of the item to be vibrated, e.g., plates for chladni’s figure experiments. A specially designed coil system enables the unit to be operated at its maximum rating for a prolonged period without any damage due to overheating. Electrical input via a pair of 4mm shielded sockets and oscillating mechanical output is available through a shaft at the top. A locking arrangement provides safety to the apparatus during storage or transportation by blocking the motion of shaft. The unit is electrically secured by means of a fuse. Avoid long periods of sustained rapid vibration and keep dry as moisture will damage the mechanism.
PH36214 -
Waves & Sound
Steel Strips for Resonance
The resonance strips are designed to demonstrate the relationship between the frequency and wavelength of a cantilevered beam. The steel strips when used with the Vibration Generator show resonance at different frequencies The resonant frequencies of resonance strips depend on the different lengths of the strips. The apparatus provides three steel strips with holes at different length and connected with one another through a screw.
PH36214A -
Waves & Sound
Kinetic Theory Model
The Kinetic Theory Model apparatus is used along with the vibration generator to demonstrate the movement of molecules in a gas. An approximate relationship between the floating height, i.e., volume of the gas and weight of the disc, i.e., pressure of the gas can be observed. The platform has a rubber surface and small stainless steel balls are loaded into the tube. With the change in the speed of vibration generator, the heating of the gas stimulates resulting change in the agitation of the balls inside the tube. It comprises theory of piston, steel balls and a base or placing on an overhead projector.
PH36214B -
Waves & Sound
Chladni Plates Square and Round Plate
The Chladni Plates Kit allows the continuous vibrations to be produced at measurable frequencies to determine the resonant frequencies of the plates and examine the modes of vibration at any frequency. A thin layer of sand is spread over the plate. The sand collected along the nodal lines of the wave patterns painted clear and beautiful pictures of the various modes of vibration. The plate’s resonances are audible. Kit is made of metal sheet in two shapes: square and round. The round plate can be vibrated about its center or an offset point to investigate both symmetric and asymmetric modes of vibration.